Let's practice English or French conversation here!

Here you can speak (in english) about game creation with RPG Maker or similar tools.
Koruldia Warrior
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Message non lu par Decadis » dim. oct. 18, 2009 4:44 pm

The date? Where? Oo I didn't see it... You said the "30, 31 an 1st" but that dosn't tell me a lot... Which day?
Aaaah que le monde est petit...

Koruldia Hunter
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Message non lu par Josh » dim. oct. 18, 2009 8:08 pm

Dentelle127 a écrit :Hmmm... when I was a child, I heard on TV that children walked on a frozen lake, and then the ice broken... and childen died (swimming in a frozen lake is very dangerous :( ). Is it already happened in your country? (just that the lake freezes each winter... or whatever)
Anyway, nice area!
You could walk a frozen lake but chances are not all of it is all the way frozen over, and yes children dying in the lake does happen alot (even in summer when there is no ice)
and swimming in a frozen lake would give me hypothermia (kind of like the movie titanic when Jack is in the water)

Giro Noden
Koruldia Divinity
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Message non lu par Giro Noden » lun. oct. 19, 2009 5:31 pm

Decadis : Yes, you have the choice now, as i said.

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Message non lu par KaYsEr » lun. oct. 19, 2009 5:41 pm

Don't remind me Jack in the water >__< ;)

Maybe if you move fast without stopping, it can help you to stay alive a little longer...

Giro Noden
Koruldia Divinity
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Message non lu par Giro Noden » lun. oct. 19, 2009 5:48 pm

I don't know, i think stay calm it probably a good solution, and take deep breath, because when you have oxygen in your body, your density is less than 1.

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Message non lu par KaYsEr » lun. oct. 19, 2009 5:56 pm

Lets try to make a little verification !^__^!

Koruldia Warrior
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Message non lu par Decadis » lun. oct. 19, 2009 6:17 pm

Aaah okey, didn't understand, sorry, Giro! ^-^ Well, as I said, I can't tell you right now, I'm afraid... I'll try to give you an answer as fast as I can :/
Dernière modification par Decadis le lun. oct. 19, 2009 7:27 pm, modifié 1 fois.
Aaaah que le monde est petit...

Giro Noden
Koruldia Divinity
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Message non lu par Giro Noden » lun. oct. 19, 2009 6:19 pm

xD, but it is very true, my teacher told that to me, and i was like " No, it can not be ".
The last summer, i did try that, and it was effective.
Expiration, you fall down, inspiration, you stay at the bottom.

Koruldia Master
Messages : 2754
Localisation : Orléans (45), Le Mans (72), Châteaudun (28)
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Message non lu par Dentelle127 » lun. oct. 19, 2009 6:52 pm

Decadis a écrit :Denty>> Hey, thanks ^-^ Well, I've pretty much learned by myself, you can't learn that much in school, beside irregular verbs and conjugations... And that's not all that's need to speak common english or have a conversation. Vocabulary and expressions, you can't learn that another way than read books or whatever. I've read books in english by myself for 4 or 5 years, something like that. I rather read in english than in French, btw :] And at school, i'm in english class and err... (Anglais LV1 et Anglais spé, quoi ><)
You're welcome, and that's very nice ;)
Reading is the best way to learn a language in my opinion. If I could do it when I was in school, I would do it! Plus your English speciality of course... thing I couldn't do because my speciality was Music (the pretty academic thing... classical music only, with 5 hours per week - with an old teacher who prefers taking café majority of time -_- !).

I regret now, because when I speak with my english friends on WLM... I just realised each time that I appreciate a lot to speak english. Same thing with German... I love this language too, just I have no friend to continue though :( ...
Josh a écrit :swimming in a frozen lake would give me hypothermia (kind of like the movie titanic when Jack is in the water)
I understand :(... perhaps it is a generality I think, if you stay a very long time in a frozen lake like Jake... - except some crazy people who sometimes organize a contest to know "How long can you stay under a frozen water!" >_<! (really crazy %D!)
KaYsEr a écrit :Lets try to make a little verification !^__^!
Giro is right~
More you moove, faster is the death... that's why it's hard when you're swimming in a frozen lake. To be fair the thing you're doing in fact, the death happens in any case, except - in my opinion again - some "lucky" people...
Giro Noden a écrit :The last summer, i did try that, and it was effective.
"Last Summer" only is necessary... and "did" is usually used for interogatives and negatives forms. :P (so I tried). You can use "it" instead of "that" in this meme sentence I guess too.

Koruldia Warrior
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Localisation : Au Paradis
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Message non lu par Decadis » lun. oct. 19, 2009 7:32 pm

Oh well, maybe you can try to find someone on the internet to speak to via msn or whatever application you use. Just try to read a little, maybe a book you've read in french, you'll understand a lot more and you'll know what you're reading, it's good to improve your english. You known I don't even know why I'm in english speciality... That's just because I like english ._.
Aaaah que le monde est petit...

Giro Noden
Koruldia Divinity
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Message non lu par Giro Noden » lun. oct. 19, 2009 8:31 pm

I didn't remember the past form of "try", so i made it easy.
But thank you !

Koruldia Master
Messages : 2754
Localisation : Orléans (45), Le Mans (72), Châteaudun (28)
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Message non lu par Dentelle127 » lun. oct. 19, 2009 9:05 pm

Giro Noden a écrit :I didn't remember the past form of "try", so i made it easy.
But thank you !
You're welcome! Saying that, this verb isn't an irregular one... just add the "ed" ending. "Tryed" isn't possible because of the "y", so it's written "tried".
It remembers me we had to learn all irregular verbs by heart in school... our teacher was very strict. By the way, when I speak seriously today: each time I remember those lessons.

I will create another topic in this board, with the complete list! No excuse now ^^! lol
Decadis a écrit :Just try to read a little, maybe a book you've read in french, you'll understand a lot more and you'll know what you're reading, it's good to improve your english. You known I don't even know why I'm in english speciality... That's just because I like english ._.
Before going to Australia, one of my cousins read the sixth volume of Harry Potter... she knew by heart the english version, and translated the first chapter. When the french version appeared, she compared and her first chapter was exactly the same :D!
By the way, I haven't time to read unfortunately... my only problem is I can understand well when I read - so by writing - whereas I had a lot of difficulties writing myself! (and... "by oral" -> does this formulation exist?, I think my accent is well. Though it's depend when, like when I'm calling for instance: no comments xD...)

Dave, Raldy, Lucas... and some adoptafurby friends find my english is fine. Just sometimes they try to understand regarding some sentences whose the syntax is wrong. xD!
And another thing too... I have a lot of difficulties understanding subtilities, particulary when Josh does some english ones like "kinky" :tok:!! [I didn't forget that lol!!!!!]

And concerning your speciality, maybe it isn't really coherente though... but english is the universal language, and important to know and understand it. Then, the technical vocabularies are accessories to learn in my opinion, but it may be helpfull! :) [I support you in any case ;)]

Giro Noden
Koruldia Divinity
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Localisation : Lyon
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Message non lu par Giro Noden » mar. oct. 20, 2009 12:52 pm

Oh, in reality i was not sure, because i knew it was not a irregular one, but " Tryed", i knew it was wrong, so thank you another time :) !

Edit Dentelle127> "Thank you again" :)

Koruldia Hunter
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Message non lu par Josh » lun. oct. 26, 2009 2:23 am

Giro Noden a écrit :Oh, in reality i was not sure, because i knew it was not a irregular one, but " Tryed", i knew it was wrong, so thank you another time :) !

Edit Dentelle127> "Thank you again" :)
Tried ;)

Koruldia Master
Messages : 2754
Localisation : Orléans (45), Le Mans (72), Châteaudun (28)
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Message non lu par Dentelle127 » sam. mars 13, 2010 11:42 pm

It is Time to continue here!

To Josh: I will translate the last sentence at the bottom of this post ;)
It is just some rules I'm enjoy to explain, for then each one will be able to fix their mistakes etc. You will understand my point of view at the end of it finally ;)

Donc, pour commencer:
sayger a écrit :is not be (c'est comme ça que l'on dit "peut etre?)
be est inutile, sachant que tu l'as déjà utilisé conjugué avant ;) (donc "is not", ou bien la forme contractée, "isn't" suffisent largement).
Pour dire "peut être" (sans le trait d'union), utilise simplement "can" suivi de "be", sachant que can est un verbe de modalité, donc pas besoin de "to" pour désigner la forme infinitive qui le suit ;) (et peu importe le verbe en question)

=> Je peux aider Hector s'il a besoin.
=> I can help Hector if he needs.
a écrit :So Shahi_reeves, why didn't X go X post at X Pokemon section?
=> Why don't you go to post at the Pokémon section?
Fais attention à bien utiliser le présent, même si la négation tend à se tromper... sans oublier le Sujet juste ensuite héhé ;) ^^"
Après en théorie, à la suite du verbe "aller", on emploie toujours "to go to" (tu vas vers qqch), du moins c'est ce que j'ai retenu de mes cours, que j'ai aussi retrouvé dans les convos avec mes amis anglophones plus tard... = si qqn pouvait me rectifier en cas d'erreur par contre ce serait chouette ;))
Pour le the c'est optionnel... mais je pense qu'il faudrait l'utiliser ici. (parlant d'une section en particulier à mon sens, malgré qu'elle soit nommée intégralement ici).
a écrit :I'm loving* read
*comme ça Dentelle ? (Merci du conseil en tout cas)
I love reading = conjugue toujours ton verbe normalement...
Le fait d'aimer faire qqch relève d'une généralité, et le verbe qui exprime cette généralité se retrouve tranformé nominativement en gérondif, prenant donc le termaison "ING" et supprimant le "to" de la marque infinitive (ce n'est plus tellement un verbe du coup...).

C'est généralement valable avec les verbes qui évoquent les goûts, car tu parles forcément d'une généralité ;)

Un exemple un peu plus subtil, que Josh m'avait corrigée y a un peu plus d'un an...
=> I have some difficulties using TFM Music Maker
Au début j'avais écrit ceci:
=>I have some difficulties to use the TFM Music Maker.

On parle certes de généralité, mais le gérondif s'applique aussi à l'action générale s'effectuant sur un instant.

Ou bien encore être en train de faire qqch à l'heure où on écrit...
=> Je suis en train de travailler sur un important projet
=> I'm working on an important project.

Le gérondif donne une impression de précision dans le temps, plutôt que d'utiliser le présent, qui lui va dire ce que tu fais maintenant certes, mais pas forcément à la seconde, ou de manière assez vague. Je me comprends en disant cela... ^^"

Une autre faute que tu as faite aussi au passage...
=> I just want you to post here
Après "want", toujours mettre le "to" de l'infinitif du verbe qui suit - dont tu veux exprimer l'envie de faire qqch!
WANT TO = toujours!

Sachant que mon anglais n'est pas parfait, si qq'un dont le niveau serait meilleur pouvait corriger mes éventuelles erreurs, ce serait super ;)
J'espère que ça aidera certains en tout cas...

Continuez les demandes sur ce topic!

Faudrait justement qu'on parle tous ici de temps en temps, histoire que cette section vive un peu, que Josh ou d'autres volontaires viennent corriger de temps en temps aussi, je suis sûre que ça nous permettrait de faire des progrès à vue d'oeil!

To Josh: There just should be that members speak english here sometimes. It will be benefical for our english section, then you or other volunteers come to fix our mistakes sometimes too. I'm sure it will be effective for us to improve English ;)

To Shahi_reeves: If you want us to speak french here all the same, you can write something you want to talk about or ask for any helps, etc.
Don't hesitate in any cases :)

Je vais vous en trouver l'utilité de cette section mouaaaa!
Même si mon anglais n'est pas parfait, je ne suis pas à la rue non plus ><!
Dernière modification par Dentelle127 le lun. mars 15, 2010 4:40 am, modifié 1 fois.

Koruldia God Warrior
Messages : 550
Localisation : Un trou paumé près de marseille

Message non lu par sayger » dim. mars 14, 2010 1:10 pm

woOow it's crazy...
I am the perfect example cons... (raah même ici je ne suis pas sur pour contre exemple, je me sens si nuul Xd j'espère faire des progrès en anglais grâce a Dentelle ;D )

(ah even here I'm not sur for "example cons", I feel so baad Xd I hope to make progress in English with Dentelle ;D)

Messages : 1046

Message non lu par Blue » mar. mars 16, 2010 12:36 am

sayger a écrit :woOow it's crazy...
I am the perfect example cons... (raah même ici je ne suis pas sur pour contre exemple, je me sens si nuul Xd j'espère faire des progrès en anglais grâce a Dentelle ;D )

(ah even here I'm not sur for "example cons", I feel so baad Xd I hope to make progress in English with Dentelle ;D)
It's 'counter-example' :)
Dentelle127 a écrit :It is just some rules I'm enjoy to explain
It's 'I enjoy explaining' or 'I'm enjoying explaining' but I'd rather use the first one, the last one would be used in another context :)
~~~~ Blue ~~~

Koruldia God Warrior
Messages : 550
Localisation : Un trou paumé près de marseille

Message non lu par sayger » mar. mars 16, 2010 8:30 pm

lol I have the terrible feeling that sadistic smile in your avatar is due to my pitiful English

XDD I'm so sorry to be so bad in English, dear Dentelle

Koruldia Master
Messages : 2754
Localisation : Orléans (45), Le Mans (72), Châteaudun (28)
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Message non lu par Dentelle127 » mar. mars 16, 2010 9:24 pm

Blue a écrit :It's 'counter-example' :)
Je n'avais même pas celui-ci sur mon application tiens :)! (il met simplement "example to the contrary")
and anyway... Is it the only mistake you found :o? :)
a écrit :It's 'I enjoy explaining' or 'I'm enjoying explaining' but I'd rather use the first one, the last one would be used in another context :)
Thank you :)
I wasn't sure about this, now I know! ;)
sayger a écrit :ol I have the terrible feeling that sadistic smile in your avatar is due to my pitiful English
XDD I'm so sorry to be so bad in English, dear Dentelle
Blue lives in England so she's certainly better than me. :) (it happens I make big mistakes sometimes, I'm not perfect :o)
And... don't worry about that lol! It's the reason why I decided to restart this subject!
It is a nice way to improve ;)

Messages : 1046

Message non lu par Blue » mar. mars 16, 2010 11:05 pm

Dentelle127 a écrit :but english is the universal language, and important to know and understand it.

Arg didn't see that one ! It's sad to admit but it's true (sad because some native speakers tend to think they're the centre of the world - not everyone of course, no offense :) but I've met a lot of people who just go 'yeah I speak English, who cares about the rest of the world'.). Although it'd be really nice to promote Esperanto as an international language too. Or French :P
Je n'avais même pas celui-ci sur mon application tiens Sourire! (il met simplement "example to the contrary")
Online and electronic translators aren't reliable unless you're looking for simple words. I was trying to show a translation of a spanish poem to a friend the other day but google translation gave the worst translation ever: it just kept everything in Spanish and couldn't translate it ! :P
and anyway... Is it the only mistake you found Surpris? Sourire
Well... if you're talking about sayger's message then there's the -e missing at the end of 'sure', the rest of it looks fine grammatically speaking (as far as I'm concerned), I wouldn't say it that way though. I'd use 'improve' instead of 'make progress' :)
sayger a écrit :lol I have the terrible feeling that sadistic smile in your avatar is due to my pitiful English
well to be honest your english is fine. There are a few mistakes but most of it is great - that is, from the few messages I've read :)
~~~~ Blue ~~~